Up-to-Date Values for Model Horse Collectors  SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

The Effects of BreyerFest on the Collectible Breyer Model Horse Market

If you are a collector (and are not living under a rock) you know BreyerFest is just a few days away. BreyerFest is a massive gathering of model horse collectors, in the horse capital of the world (Lexington, KY), put on by Breyer Animal Creations themselves. It is indeed the mecca of everything model horse […]

Virtual BreyerFest 2020

BreyerFest always comes with its fair share of frustration as you try to navigate through throngs of people, wait in long lines, and sweat. But 2020 was definitely a different ballgame. Sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic, Breyer decided to evolve BreyerFest into an on-line virtual format rather than cancelling it all together. In the short […]

Don’t Overspend at BreyerFest!

Well, OK…we are all guilty of overspending at BreyerFest! Me included. Although you cannot control or make any deals on the BreyerFest exclusive special runs, you can still be a savvy shopper while you are browsing the vendor booths at the Horse Park, or shopping till you drop at the room sales and swap meet […]

BreyerFest 2017 Recap

With BreyerFest a good four months behind us now, it’s time to take a look at the secondary market values of the special run models. At this point, the values are leveling out as the initial demand for most of them begins to wane. Breyer seems to be doing a good job over the past […]

Looking back at Quelle Surprise – What is their value one year later?

In “Throwback Thursday” style, I thought it would be fun to take a look at the surprise model from BreyerFest 2015, Quelle Surprise on the Lonesome Glory mold. How has their availability and values held up? As with the Sambra Supresa models of 2016, the Quelle Surprises were released in four colors, with glossy and […]

Samba Surpresa! It’s no surprise their value is up!

A little late for a post-Breyerfest blog, but each year I like to report on the surprise models to document their run numbers and the prices they are selling for on the secondary market. Esprit was the mold of choice for the BreyerFest 2016 Sambra Supresa surprise models. Already a popular model among collectors, Esprit’s previous […]