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Virtual BreyerFest 2020

BreyerFest always comes with its fair share of frustration as you try to navigate through throngs of people, wait in long lines, and sweat. But 2020 was definitely a different ballgame. Sidelined by the COVID-19 pandemic, Breyer decided to evolve BreyerFest into an on-line virtual format rather than cancelling it all together. In the short timeframe that they had to pull this together (and keep the same dates) is a feat in and of itself. I think I speak for many when I say that I’m glad they did what they did, versus cancelling. But it for sure was not without glitches and issues. Anyone who works with – or uses – computers knows how easily that can happen!

Throughout the weekend, Breyer reported some 30,000 visits to the website. No wonder the special runs sold out in seconds each time they were made available. There were plenty of glitches and unhappy “attendees” but I honestly believe they did the best they could in this situation. My hat goes off to Breyer and their team. I’ve worked on the backside of virtual events before and I am sure glad I wasn’t working on the BreyerFest site (this one can be enough somedays!)

As of writing this, the Special Run models are starting to arrive on doorsteps. You won’t find any spoilers here, as I kinda want to be surprised (only if somewhat) when my purchases arrive. There are already many BreyerFest special run models available for purchase on the secondary market, and many are at a significant markup. This is for sure due to the difficulty in acquiring these models   in the first place. I believe you will begin to see prices begin to regulate once models are in the hands of collectors and availability (on the secondary market) grows.

The hottest model coming out of virtual BreyerFest seems to be the Gypsy Vanner “Cheesecake” (pictured above.) With only 1000 matte models being produced, I think this model will only continue to grow in popularity and value, at least for a little while longer. Plus, they were almost impossible to snag during BreyerFest. Once the surprise model is revealed and available for resale, those too will be hot until collectors get the pieces they need for their collections.  Historically speaking, the BreyerFest surprise models generally average above their issue price, and depending upon the mold and specific quantities of the colors/finishes, some will continue to bring in a much higher price.

Once the models are in the hands of collectors they will be added to the website and their values will be monitored and updated as needed. Values will fluctuate over the next few months, but will eventually level off once the frenzy has subsided. Where will your favorite model level off at? Is it smart to buy now while there are many models available (and lots of buyers/competition,) or wait until the demand dies down? This is definitely a guessing game sometimes, and I think most collectors have had the experience of “win some, lose some.” I know I have!

So, be watching for the BreyerFest models to be added to the site over the next couple weeks. Thanks for reading and happy collecting!

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